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Beschreibung des Inhalts (oder Textzitat)* *
Anfang des Materials im Video (uu:mm:ss) *
By sending a complaint to us, you are agreeing that INACH will store
and use all private and sensitive data (such as name, e mail address,
country etc.) that you have decided to provide for complaint handling
purposes. This data will be kept for the duration of 1 year, unless
there is legal actions involved, and in that case will be kept until
the legal actions ends. INACH shall handle all sensitive data that
you provide with extreme care and with complete adherence to national
and EU privacy and data protection laws. At any moment, you have the
right to contact INACH or any of its members to ask them to rectify,
modify and/or delete all personal data. In such cases INACH and/or
any of its members will carry out your wishes as soon as possible.
INACH will not give your data to third parties without your consent.
In cases where INACH's member organisations or partners will have to
be involved or when state authorities shall need your data to launch
an investigation, INACH will contact you to ask for your permission
in order to forward your information to the authorities.
Parental permission is required to process personal data of anyone
under the age of 16. So by reading this and consenting, if a
complainee is under the age of 16, they confirm that they have
parental permission.